105 Broad Street Stamford, CT 06901
Same Day Delivery Available.

Corporate Flower Concierge - by Nobu Florist & Events


We are your Corporate Flower Concierge! NOBU Florist & Events' new division, Corporate Flower Concierge, takes care of all your HR, Operations and Business floral and gift basket needs whether across the street, the USA or around the world.

Locally Corporate Flower Concierge delivers to Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan and Norwalk CT as well as Pound Ridge and Port Chester, NY. We will also deliver larger functions and pieces across Fairfield County.

For all other orders we expertly place them with professional Real Florists.

Coroporate Flower Concierge listens to your needs and orders from real florists exactly what you want. Corporate Flower Concierge house charges are welcome and you can be billed monthly. Beautiful Lobby and conference room arrangements, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births and Sympathy pieces are all done to your specifications.